Upcoming and Past BBAC Meetings & Events
Unless noted otherwise, meetings are held on the third Monday of the month at 2:00 PM in person at the Fairhaven Public Works meeting room at 5 Arsene Drive, Fairhaven, MA, and online via Zoom.
Monday, April 22, 2024. Topic: Plymouth County Entomologist Blake Dinius will cover “Nature Support”. Insects that fulfill vital roles for keeping our planet functioning.
Monday, March 25, 2024. Derek Perry, MA Department of Marine Fisheries, gave a presentation on horseshoe crabs, the new regulations for their protection, and what these new regulations will mean for Buzzards Bay. View the presentation (pdf file).
Monday, February 26, 2024. Hillary Waite, Stormwater Manager, Town of Braintree spoke about the town's Stormwater Utility. Watch the video of the meeting: February 26, 2024 BBAC meeting Braintree Stormwater Utility on YouTube.
Monday, January 22, 2024. State Soil Scientist Maggie Payne will speak about glacial formations that contributed to the creation of bogs to the present-day cranberry habitats. Her talk covered soil composition, geological history, and current ground penetrating radar technology.
Monday, December 18, 2023. John Petrozelli, Director of the Mass CyberCenter spoke about Minimum Baseline of Cybersecurity for Municipalities . Watch the video of the meeting on youtube: December 18, 2023 BBAC meeting on YouTube.
Monday, November 22, 2023. Gordon Carr – Exec. Dir. New Bedford Port Authority, presented an update on the New Bedford Waterfront. Items discussed included the following aspects of the port. Watch the video of the meeting: November 22, 2023 BBAC meeting on YouTube.
Monday, October 23, 2023. Sarah Wasserman, outreach specialist for the Massachusetts Division of Fish and Wildlife spoke about BioMaps and rare and endangered species habitat in the Buzzards Bay watershed.
Monday,Semptember 26, 2023. A general meeting of the BBAC with partner updates.
Monday, July 22, 2023. Marion resident, and member of the Marion Open Space Acquisition Commission, Deborah Ewing, spoke about her work to moinitor diamondback terrapin conservation area as a volunteer with the New England Coastal Wildlife Association (NECWA). She described her work with NECWA interns to protect and collect data on local terrapin population.
Monday, June 26, 2023. Shannon Hulst, Floodplain Specialist for Barnstable County and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Sea Grant, provided an overview of mandatory floodplain bylaw updates to maintain compliance with the National Flood Insurance Program, She also discussed higher standards that communities could adopt to improve floodplain resilience.
Monday, May 22, 2023. Ian Dombroski, Life Scientist, US EPA Region 1, Water Division Surface Water Branch, Watersheds and Non-Point Source Management Section provided an overview of the Southeast New England Program (SNEP), including SNEP sub-programs, funding opportunities, and an overview of projects in the Buzzards Bay Watershed.
Monday, April 24, 2023. US EPA Region 1 Biologist Phil Colarusso spoke about determining the health of our eelgrass beds.
Monday, March 27, 2023. US EPA Region 1 Program Coordinator Alicia Grimaldi spoke about the Beaches Environmental Assessment Coastal Health (BEACH) Act. The law established an EPA program to award grants to states, territories, tribes, or local governments to develop and implement beach monitoring and assessment programs. The Beach Program has been running since 2000 and Alicia reviewed trends, lessons learned, and spoke about beaches in Buzzards Bay.
Monday February 27, 2023. Greg Berman from the Woods Hole Sea Grant - Extension bulletin was our guest speaker. His presentation was titled "Beach Nourishment Guide for Homeowners" that will discuss the rationale for compensatory nourishment, ways to calculate it, and recommendations to reduce unintended impacts." View the PowerPoint presentation: BBAC_Berman_02_27_2023.pdf.
Thursday, January 26, 2023. A general BBAC meeting with partner updates.
Thursday,December 15, 2022. Dan Sampson, Massachusetts CZM GIS/Data manager, was our guest speaker. His presentation was titled "MORIS mapper tutorial." Watch the video of Dan Sampson's presentation.
Friday, November 4, 2022. MA DEP SERO staff talk about DEP's new proposed drought regulations out for public comment." Watch the YouTube video of the presentation.
Thursday, October 27, 2022. Dr. Joe Costa, Executive Director of the Buzzards Bay National Estuary Program was our guest speaker. His presentation was titled "Mapping and monitoring Buzzards Bay salt marshes: vegetation shifts, loss, management opportunities, and long-term trends." View the PowerPoint presentation: BBAC-Costa-salt-marsh-mapping-OCT2022.pdf. Watch the video of Joe Costa's presentation.
Thursday, September 22, 2022. Millie Garcia-Serrano, MassDEP Southeast Regional Director and other DEP staff will discuss a Proposed Nitrogen Sensitive Area / Watershed Permitting Regulatory Framework. View the PowerPoint presentation: BuzzardsBay.NSA.Framework.Slides.9.22.2022.pdf
Thursday, August 18, 2022. A general BBAC meeting with partner updates.
Thursday, June 23, 2022. Topic: Christopher Reddy, a chemical oceanographer and senior scientist at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution gave a talk titled, "Plastics in the ocean: What do we know and don't know"
Thursday, May 27, 2022. Closing open soil and gravel pits: reclamation, regulations, procedures, and issues with Paul Locke - MassDEP Deputy Commissioner for Policy and Planning, and John Handrahan - Deputy Regional Director for the Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup, Southeast Region. Meeting held in Fairhaven. View the PowerPoint presentation: Locke-2022-05-25-DEP-soil-management.pdf. Watch the video of Paul Locke's presentation.
Thursday, April 28, 2022. ArcGIS Online Map to View Stormwater Infrastructure and Water Quality Data Demonstration of Map Interface. Presentation by Kevin Bartsch, Buzzards Bay NEP. Watch the video of Kevin Bartch's presentation.
Thursday, March 28, 2022. A general BBAC meeting with partner updates.
Thursday, February 24, 2022. A general BBAC meeting with partner updates was held via ZOOM at 9 am.
Thursday, January 27, 2022. A general BBAC meeting with partner updates was held via ZOOM at 9 am.
Thursday, December 16, 2022. Discussion regarding how municipalities are coping with the influx of solar farms was held via ZOOM at 9 am.
Thursday, October 28, 2022. A general BBAC meeting with partner updates was held via ZOOM at 9 am.
Thursday, September, 2022. A general BBAC meeting with partner updates was held via ZOOM at 9 am.
Thursday, Jun 24, 2021. A general BBAC meeting with partner updates was held via ZOOM at 9 am.
Thursday, May 27, 2021. A BBAC meeting with partner updates was held via ZOOM at 9 am. Topic: Maura Flaherty Stormwater Collaborative Program Coordinator from Mass Maritime provided details about what the stormwater trailer is capable of doing for the towns. Watch the https://marionma.sharefile.com/share/view/4ee65ecae58f4331.
Thursday, April 22, 2021. Topic: Buzzards Bay NEP Staffers Kevin Bartsch and Bernadette Taber presented an update of Stormwater Collaborative activities, ArcGIS online mapping in support for the effort, and NEP technical assistance in support of the towns' MS4 permits. Watch the meeting video and view the : presentation
.Thursday, March 25, 2021. Topic: Kay Ho, US Environmental Protection Agency, Atlantic Coastal Environmental Sciences Division presented information about microplastics in the marine environment. Kay is an Environmental Research Scientist at EPA's Narragansett Laboratory and is the technical lead for EPA's Office of Research and Development's Microplastic Program, with over 25 years of experience in method development for sediment and toxicity assessment. Watch the meeting video.
Thursday, February 25, 2021. A general BBAC meeting with partner updates was held via ZOOM at 9 am.
Thursday, January 28, 2021. A general BBAC meeting with partner updates was held via ZOOM at 9 am. Topics included MS4 audits and the Marion sewage treatment lagoons.
Thursday, November 19, 2020. Meeting was held via ZOOM at 9 am. Topic: ANick Nelson, a Fluvial Geomorphologist from Interfluv gave a presentation on river restoration projects his company has been working on. View the presentation: BBAC_NOV2020-InterFluve-s.pdf
Thursday, October 29, 2020. Meeting was held at the Marion Music Hall 164 Front Street and ZOOM at 9 am. Topic: An introduction to PFAS with BETA Group, Inc. Watch the video at: marionma.sharefile.com/share/view/e9933036627f428b
Thursday, September 24, 2020. Meeting was held at the Marion Music Hall 164 Front Street and ZOOM at 9 am. Topic: Business meeting, catch up with BBNEP, CZM, etc.
Thursday, March 19, 2020. The March BBAC meeting was canceled due to the COVID 19 health emergency. The BETA Group had intended to make a presentation titled "PFAS: An Emerging Contaminant Lurking in the Environment - An Introduction to PFAS" The presenters (Marylou Armstrong, LSP Vice President, Mykel Mendes, P.E., and Roger Thibault, Senior Environmental Engineer) have kindly provided this pdf file of their PowerPoint presentation: BBAC-PFAS-Presentation-April-2020-BETA.pdf
Thursday, February 27, 2020. Meeting was held at the Fairhaven Public Works Office on Arsene St. at 9 am. Topic: Dave Janik, CZM spoke about CZM Coastal Resilience Grants and Coastal Pollutant Remediation Grants: Summary, Discussion, and Invitation to Discuss Project Ideas for Upcoming Grant Round
Thursday, January 16, 2020. Meeting was held at the Fairhaven Public Works Office on Arsene St. at 9 am. Topic: John Grace, engineer with FEMA - Region 1, General discussion regarding coastal flooding issues.
Thursday, December 5, 2019. General BBAC business meetings, assessments. Meeting was held at the Fairhaven Public Works Office on Arsene St. at 9 am.
Thursday, October 24, 2019. General BBAC business meetings, and Mike Gagne retirement. Meeting was held at the Fairhaven Public Works Office on Arsene St. at 9 am.
Thursday, September 26, 2019. Meeting was held at the Marion Police Station Conference Room at 9 am. Topic: Towns to discuss sharing resources and exchanging ideas regarding MS4 compliance. Discussion re: additional amounts to annual BBAC assessment for those towns who wish to hire students to help with MS4 sampling.
Thursday, June 27, 2019. Meeting was held at the Marion Police Station Conference Room at 9 am. Topic: The Buzzards Bay NEP will present updates on the shellfish bed closure history of Buzzards Bay, results from the stormwater monitoring program, and an update on benchmark installation and salt marsh monitoring in Buzzards Bay. Guests at the meeting include a U.S. EPA National Estuary Program evaluation team.
Thursday, May 23, 2019. Meeting was held at the Marion Police Station Conference Room at 9 am. Topic: General business meeting, certificates of recognition to Tracy Warncke (Buzzards Bay NEP/ MCZM) and Ann Rodney (U. S. EPA).
Thursday, April 25, 2019. Meeting was held at the Marion Police Station Conference Room at 9 am. Topic: Nick Wylie, Conservation and Environmental Planner for Town of Attleboro gave a talk titled "Wetland Science and Conservation to the Classroom: An Educational Collaboration". Watch the presentation posted on this Vimeo link
Thursday, March 28, 2019. Meeting was held at the Marion Police Station Conference Room at 9 am. Topic: General business meeting.
Thursday, February 28, 2018. Meeting was held at the Mattapoisett Public Library at 9 am. Topic: Cape Cod Stormwater Managers Group and the Cape Cod Stormwater Coalition. Speaker: Jo Ann Muramoto, Ph.D., MassBays Regional Coordinator, Association to Preserve Cape Cod.
Muramoto presentation Excel spreadsheet: Customized-Cost-Estimator-for-MS4.xlsx.
Thursday, January 24, 2019. Meeting was held at the Marion Police Station Conference Room at 9 am. Speaker: Dave Janik, MCZM. Topic: Upcoming CZM and EEA grant opportunities.
Thursday, December 20, 2018. Meeting was held at the Wareham Selectmen's Meeting Room, Multi-Service Center at 9 am. Topic: MS4 submission requirements and Buzzards Bay NEP technical assistance. Speaker: Newton Tedder (U.S. EPA); handout from Kevin Bartsch, and Bernadette Taber (Buzzards Bay NEP).
Click to watch video on YouTube
Thursday, October 25, 2018. The meeting topic was the use of drones by municipalities. The topic speakers were Gary Carreiro of the Bristol County Radio Control Club, and Detective Gary Barboza of the Fall River Police Department. The meeting was held in the Marion Police Department's conference Room. View the meeting video.
Thursday, June 28, 2018. Joy Duperault, Director of the Massachusetts Flood Hazard Management Program and Acting State Hazard Mitigation Officer/NFIP Coordinator at MA DCR, gave a presentation on Governor Baker's Executive Order 569 addressing climate The Commonwealth's efforts to integrate a new climate adaptation plan into the state hazard mitigation plan, the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness grant program (under EEA) that helps local communities to prepare for climate change impacts, and answered questions about any of this as well as anything to do with the National Flood Insurance Program, including the Community Rating System program for insurance policy discounts. View the Duperault presentation.
Joy Duperault, Director of the Massachusetts Flood Hazard Management Program and Acting State Hazard Mitigation Officer/NFIP Coordinator at MA DCR, gave a presentation at June 2018 BBAC meeting.
Thursday, May 24, 2018. Meeting on general BBAC business.
Thursday, April 26, 2018. Buzzards Bay NEP presentation on Stormwater Collaborative at BBAC offices at 13 Atlantis Drive in Marion. Speakers: Joe Costa and Kevin Bartsch, Buzzards Bay NEP."
nd the Bartsch presentation. Watch a video of the presentations.
Thursday, March 15, 2018. The Green Communities Division Partnering with Massachusetts Cities and Towns. Speaker: Seth Pickering, Southeast Regional Coordinator, Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources." Presentation: 03-15-18-BBAC-GC-101-Presentation.pdf.
At a March 2018 BBAC meeting, Seth Pickering, Southeast Regional Coordinator for the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources, gave a presentation titled, "The Green Communities Division Partnering with Massachusetts Cities and Towns."
February 22, 2018. BBAC business and stormwater meeting at BBAC offices at 13 Atlantis Drive in Marion.
January 25, 2018. BBAC business and stormwater meeting at BBAC offices at 13 Atlantis Drive in Marion.
Tuesday December 12, 2017. At the Wareham Service Center, Selectmen's meeting room, third floor. Speaker: Kevin Bartsch, Stormwater Specialist with the Buzzards Bay National Estuary Project, will be discussing: "Tools in Conservation and the Economics of Open Space Protection."
Presentation: 2017_Municipal_Open_Space_Information_Seminar_B.pdf
References discussed: Cost-of-Community-Services-2007.pdf, Article-about-Big-Box-Stores.pdf, Economics-of-Land-Conservation-2007.pdf, Land-Conservation-Terms.pdf, Impacts-of-Parks-on-Property-Values-2005.pdf, Land-Conservation-Options.pdf, Return-on-Investment-in-Parks-2013.pdf
November 16, 2017. BBAC business and stormwater meeting. The meeting will be at BBAC new offices at 13 Atlantis Drive in Marion.
October 26, 2017. BBAC business and stormwater meeting. The meeting will be at BBAC new offices at 13 Atlantis Drive in Marion.
September 28, 2017 at 9:00 AM in Fairhaven Selectmen's room.. EPA staffer, Newton Tedder, gave an updated presentation on EPA's proposed new MS4 permit requirements for Southeastern Massachusetts communities. Download Newton Tedder's October 2017 presentation.

At a September 2017 BBAC meeting, Newton Tedder, of the U.S. EPA, gave a presentation on EPA's proposed new MS4 permit for Massachusetts.
April 27, 2017 at 9:00 AM in Dartmouth Selectmen's room.. Joy Duperault, CFM Director, Flood Hazard Management Program Presentation on NFIP. Download Joy's presentation NFIP-overview-outreach-presentation.pdf.
March 23, 2017 at 9:00 AM in Fairhaven in the upstairs meeting room..
February 23, 2017. BBAC business and stormwater meeting.
January 26, 2017. BBAC business and stormwater meeting.
December 1, 2016. BBAC annual meeting.
October 26, 2016. PeopleGIS presentation of some of the tools available for municipalities.
September 22, 2016. General BBAC business and Stormwater Collaborative issues.
July 28, 2016. General BBAC business and Stormwater Collaborative issues.
May 28, 2016. General BBAC business and Stormwater Collaborative issues.
April 28, 2016. General BBAC business and Stormwater Collaborative issues.
February 25, 2016 Meeting: The Buzzards Bay Stormwater Collaborative - How will it work?
This meeting was jointly sponsored by the Buzzards Bay Action Committee (BBAC) and the Buzzards Bay National Estuary Program (NEP, MCZM), and was a kickoff meeting to explain the technical details of the collaborative effort to map stormwater networks and monitor stormwater discharges in the Buzzards Bay watershed. Details about the meeting are contained in this meeting flyer. Links to presentations:
The Buzzards Bay Stormwater Collaborative: How will it work? Dr. Joe Costa, Buzzards Bay NEP Executive Director. Stormwater Monitoring and GIS for Permit Requirements and Infrastructure Management Kevin Bartsch and Bernadette Taber, Buzzards Bay National Estuary Program
Jeff Osuch addressing meeting participants at the first session of the stormwater collaborative.
January 28, 2016: Patricia Bowie and Dave Janik, MCZM: Coastal Resiliency Grant recipients' success stories and upcoming grant funding.
View Bowie's PowerPoint presentation

Patricia Bowie talks about MA CZM Coastal Resiliency Grant Program.
December 3, 2015: The Committee again addressed Healthy Communities grant and organizational issues.
October 22, 2015: The main topic to be covered was the Healthy Communities grant update and organizational issues.
September 24, 2015: Mark Rasmussen of the Buzzards Bay Coalition summarized ongoing and upcoming activities and projects of the Coalition.
April 9, 2015: Round table discussion with BBAC communities and potential non-profit partners to exchange ideas about applying for regional and/or multi town grants which may help towns meet MS4 requirements.
March 26, 2015: BBAC members discussed opportunities for collaboration on meeting EPA's proposed new MS4 permit.
February 26, 2015: EPA staffer, Newton Tedder, gave a presentation on EPA's proposed new MS4 permit requirements for Southeastern Massachusetts communities. Watch the video of Newton's presentation.
January 22, 2015: BBAC members met to discuss goals and objectives for 2015 for the organization.
December 11, 2014: DEP Circuit Rider Christine Odiaga will be providing an overview of the new regulations under WPA, and brief descriptions of regulatory changes to Water Quality and Chapter 91.
October 23, 2014: Greg Sawyer of Department of Marine Fisheries will be in to discuss shellfishing in Buzzards Bay; past and present. View Greg's PowerPoint presentation.
September 18, 2014: Joe Costa, Executive Director Buzzards Bay National Estuary Program. NEP updates, Buzzards Bay water quality, and Southeastern New England Coastal Watershed Restoration Program funding.
May 22, 2014: Elizabeth Gladfelter, Chairman, Falmouth Conservation Commission. Creation and implementation of the Black Beach/Great Sippewissett Marsh District of Critical Planning Concern (DCPC) and the implementation and success of current DCPC regulations.
Watch the video.
April 24, 2014: Sumner Martinson, MassDEP, Commercial composting and the new organics waste ban.
View Sumner's PowerPoint presentation
March 27, 2014: Joe Costa, Executive Director of the Buzzards Bay NEP, Funding opportunities through the Southern New England Watershed Restoration Partnership and other project activities.
February 27, 2014: Sara Quintal, Buzzards Bay Coalition, The Sawmill Restoration Project here in Acushnet
View Sara's PowerPoint presentation
January 23, 2014: Patrick O'Neill, Tata and Howard, Water withdrawal permits and proposed new DEP regulations
November 21, 2013: Jennifer Marshall Grantham from the SouthCoast Energy Challenge
View Jennifer's PowerPoint presentation)
October 24, 2013: Richard Zingarelli - State Coordinator for the National Flood Insurance Program, MA Division of Conservation and Recreation, Overview on the Biggert-Waters legislation relative to the National Flood Insurance Program.
Watch the video.
Watch the video.
September 26, 2013: Greg Berman, Coastal Processes Specialist from Woods Hole Sea Grant / Cape Cod Cooperative Extension Discussed his publication Homeowner's Handbook to Prepare for Coastal Hazards.
Watch the video.
May 23, 2013: BBAC Strategic Planning Session - Setting Priorities for the Future. Past and Present Delegates discuss BBAC history and goals for the future.
April 25, 2013: Jim Ricci, City of New Bedford's Superintendent of Water, Review of energy efficiency and renewable projects at the City's Water Treatment Plant.
March 28, 2013: Presentation on sea-level rise and potential impacts to public infrastructure given by John Rockwell/BBNEP (Rockwell's presentation)
February 28, 2013: A Recap of the Blizzard of 2013 - Things we did that were successes and what we would do differently.
January 24, 2013: Jessica Whritenour, of Falmouth's 300 Committee Land Trust will be in to discuss how local land trusts can help municipalities acquire public land.
November 28, 2012 David Gould with the Department of Marine and Environmental Affairs for the Town of Plymouth discussed restoration work that has been conducted within the Eel River watershed.
October 24, 2012: David R. Vallee, Hydrologist-in-Charge, NOAA/NWS/Northeast River Forecast Center, Taunton. "Examining Hurricane Irene's Hydro-meteorological Impacts on the Northeast United States; A Classic New England Tropical Storm in many aspects but a far cry from reality for upper Buzzards Bay"
Summary: Tropical cyclones are rather infrequent visitors to the Northeast United States, averaging about one landfall every decade. However, history has shown that in spite of their typical acceleration northward, a land falling tropical cyclone in the region can produce devastating inland flooding. Irene was indeed a classic New England breed of tropical cyclone, leaving in her wake, eight to fifteen inches of rain and tremendous widespread flooding throughout eastern New York, Vermont, northern New Hampshire and the western portions of Connecticut and Massachusetts. This presentation will examine the classic nature of Irene's approach, but more importantly compare her impacts to reality of what a major Category 3 Hurricane has done historically and will do in the future to the communities of upper Buzzards Bay.
June 2012: Lealdon Langley, Director of MassDEP's Wetland and Waterways Program will discuss revisions to state wetland regulations
May 2012: Joe Costa, BBNEP/MCZM, Update on the draft CCMP/ Briefing on effort to remap historical trends of eelgrass in Buzzards Bay
April 2012: Patrick O'Neale, Tata & Howard, Water Management Permitting: Looking Forward (O'Neale's presentation)
March 2012: Dan Sampson, MCZM, Updated MORIS website mapping tool

At a March 2012 BBAC meeting, Dan Sampson of the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management, gave a PowerPoint presentation on the state's updated MORIS website mapping tool.
February 2012: Final destination of solid waste in SE MassJanuary 2012: Andrea Langhauser, DEP, Massachusetts regulatory reform and streamlining efforts
December 2011: Greg Berman, WHOI Coastal Processes Specialist, Transport, coastal erosion/shoreline stabilization, sea level rise, and storm surge issues in Buzzards Bay. (Berman's presentation)
November 2011: Scott Durkee, Director of Energy for the City of New Bedford, Energy reduction goals and projects in the City of New Bedford including the Solar Renewable Energy Initiative for the Sullivan's Ledge Superfund Site
October 2011: Meg Colclough and Seth Pickering of the Green Communities Division of the Department of Energy Resources (DER), gave a PowerPoint presentation on the Green Communities initiative to Help Massachusetts Municipalities Create a Cleaner Energy Future.
Download their Green Communities Presentation
Special Meeting, September 29, 2011: The BBAC hosted a special night-time workshop for area Conservation Commission board members and staff given by the Massachusetts Association of Conservation Commission on Erosion and Sedimentation Control at the New Bedford City Hall.
September 2011: Scott MacLeod from the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) spoke on the FY 2012 Hazard Mitigation Assistance Program as well as hazard mitigation planning.
June 16, 2011: Don Cooper and Pete Hanrahan, consultants from E.J. Prescott, Inc. who specialize in erosion control and stormwater issues, gave a presentation regarding various types of erosion control materials and techniques to assist in holding on to sediment onsite. Topics included turf reinforcement mats, nets/erosion control blankets, silt fence installation, ditching to slow down surface water flow, silt sacks, vegetated gabions, and other methods.
March 2011: Brendan Annett, from the Coalition for Buzzards Bay, spoke about the group's efforts to protect Buzzards Bay watershed lands.
February 17, 2011 Special Workshop: At the New Bedford Fort Rodman Community Center on 1000 South Rodney French Boulevard New Bedford, MA, the BBAC hosted a StormSmart Coasts Pilot Projects and South Coastal Partnership Opportunities Workshop. .
February 2011: Guest speaker John Weber, Ocean Services Manager for MA CZM, spoke about the about Ocean Management Plan and what it means for the future of Buzzards Bay.
January 2011: The guest speaker was Julio Olimpio, from ESRI, discussed how ESRI can assist the municipalities in implementing GIS, training staff and developing and using applications to facilitate our governmental activities.
November 2010: The guest speaker was David C. Cole, the current Chair of the Westport Estuaries Committee, which is charged with implementing the Mass. Estuaries Project in the Westport River Watershed. David spoke to the BBAC to gauge interest in forming a group to focus on the problems of financing the massive costs of wastewater treatment infrastructure and to address the problems of deteriorating water quality in this region.
October 2010: The guest speaker was Eric Walberg, Manomet's Senior Program Leader for Climate Change, who spoke on Manomet's Climate Change Initiative.
September 2010: The guest speaker was Steve Smith of SRPEDD who spoke about the formation of Sustainability Council for the Southeast Massachusetts SRPEDD region as part of a Regional Plan for Sustainable Development grant application submitted to HUD.
May 2010: The guest speaker was John Weber, Ocean Services Manager for CZM, who spoke about the final approved Ocean Management Plan and what it means for the future of Buzzards Bay.
April 2010: The guest speaker was Dorrie Pizzella of MA Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, who gave a power point presentation outlining state environmental grant opportunities. Grants include LAND (Local Acquisition for Natural Diversity), PARC (Parkland Acquisitions and Renovations for Communities), as well as several other funding sources.
March 2010: Guest Speaker was Robin Lacey, of MA Coastal Zone Management, who discussed his work with marinas and boatyards, including the regulatory challenges that these businesses face from pressure washing considerations to stormwater management.
January 2010: Dr. Jo Ann Muramoto, of the Association for the Preservation of Cape Cod, gave a presentation titled "Stormwater Utilities on Cape Cod: First Steps". She discussed APCC's recent stormwater utility outreach workshops on Cape Cod, and the responses from workshop participants.
December 2009: At this meeting, BBAC members discussed potential changes in future goals, bylaws and objectives of the BBAC. They also discussed planned meeting topics for the coming year.
November 2009: Peter Shelley, Massachusetts Advocacy Center Director of the Conservation Law Foundation discussed recent work by CLF on a range of water withdrawal sustainability issues around the Commonwealth. CLF has prepared and filed a "Notice of Intent to Sue" MassDEP for what they asserted was a failure to protect aquatic ecosystems across the Commonwealth. CLF will also be an active participant in the new "Sustainable Water Initiative" announced by Secretary Bowles, which is designed to look at the cumulative effects of wastewater, storm water, and water withdrawal regulation on ecosystem health, especially stream flow and stream flow quality. Mr. Shelley discussed several other topics including implications of expansion of water withdrawals on the Mattapoisett River, and compliance with nitrogen TMDLs on Cape Cod.

In 2009, Buzzards Bay Action Committee delegates met with State Representative William Straus regarding stimulus money for town projects and other issues.