Contact Us

BBAC Executive Director Elizabeth Leidhold is also involved with school
environmental education programs.
We moved in 2021
Our offices are now located at Parting Ways Building, 130 Main Street, Acushnet, MA 02743. However, our mailing address remains in Marion,
Marion Town House
2 Spring St.
Marion, MA 02738
phone: 508-990-0931 or 774-930-8806
Elizabeth Leidhold, Executive Director
Municipal representatives on the Buzzards Bay Action Committee are as follows:
- Acushnet: James Kelley, Town Administrator
- Bourne: Stephanie Fitch, Conservation Agent
- Dartmouth: Marc Garrett, Environmental Affairs Coordinator
- Fairhaven: Vincent Furtado, BPW Superintendent
- Falmouth: Mark Kasprzyk, Conservation Agent
- Gosnold: Seth Garfield
- Marion: Norm Hills, Selectman, Planning Board (BBAC Chairman)
- Mattapoisett: Mike Lorenco, Town Manager
- New Bedford*: Laura Breig, Public Works
- Rochester: Merilee Kelly, Conservation Agent
- Wareham: Joshua Faherty, Conservation Administrator
- Westport: Amy Messier, Planner
* New Bedford is a city; all other municipalities are towns
Compliance with Affirmative Action, Web Accessibility, and 40 C.F.R.
The Buzzards Bay Action Committee is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in its program or activities. We will accommodate those with impaired vision or hearing in the distribution of our materials. Our website conforms to Level A Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0. The designated Civil Rights Coordinator is the Executive Director, Elizabeth Leidhold. For those with limited English proficiency, webpages and documents on line can be made available in different languages by selecting the Google translate drop down menu.